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There is still a long wait so I decided
to create my own story with Shahrukh and Kajol.

He'd vowed to guard her with his life
But when time was running out
He put his life on the line
too late

mermanthumb (159K)

A Fish and a Bird can fall in love
But where will they build their nest?

No future

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tarnishedgodthumb (142K)

we may goldplate him with our adoration
But in the end... he's just a man
if he falls short of our expectations
who is to blame?

diezertanztenschuhethumb (83K)

To read click here
Die zertanzten Schuhe

timesrunningoutthumb (97K)

He's like a candle burning on both sides.
Would blowing out one flame
really slow him down?
Take care, Precious One

corneredthumb (95K)

He gripped his only weapon tight
to shield the maid - his obligation and his honour -
To the death. While in his back the pack of goons
like wolves howled for their blood.

Out of the dark the warrior stepped and raised the sword
and smiling his Love said: "Well met.
Now Death will have a bloody harvest."

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The Taming
do not read if you are squeamish about humiliation

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Steel and Bone

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Prisoner of the (ivory) tower

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shameful sense of humour
(my apologies, but I couldn't resist the challenge
once it popped up)

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The sacrifice of his Love
under a Blood Moon destroyed his life.
Another Blood Moon saw his revenge
never to destroy another man's love

Isaakthumb (101K)

Your sacrifice
pleases me not

Ra-1thumb (104K)

past and future are one

mermaidthumb (142K)

Brief Encounter
during a drowning moment -
was it a dream or
a memory of another time?

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Seduction to death

khorinthumb (94K)

wanted to find out how he would look
as a dwarf. Not half bad, hai na?

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Der verwunschene See

greedandgrudgethumb (120K)

panthergracethumb (140K)

the elegance of the beast within

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stepping through ...
You never know what waits beyond

Darkangelsthumb (121K)
In the struggle for dark and light
there is no decision...
phoenixRrisingthumb (119K)
...unless one gives in.
Don't let it be you.

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Even angels sometimes need help

All composites © B.Rohrer
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