The man shook his head. The referee raised an eyebrow, then
she took a key on a heavy chain, wound the chain around the man's neck tightly
and closed it.
“The one who will get this slave to her own base first, will have claim over
him. Withdraw to your bases now.” Jaguarina trotted lightly across the sand to
take position in a marked out square on one end of the arena. Haria quickly turned
to the man.
“I told you your stubborn mind would cause you grief. Beware of Jaguarina's
claws. To win I need to take the key from you, unlock the chain here and then get
you to my base. Jaguarina will try the same. But she might very well try to kill
you for slighting her... she could make it look like an accident. And if you
don't run fast enough...” Haria uncurled her stockwhip.
The referee called sharply to her. Haria turned and trotted to her base. The
referee looked at the two Dominas then nodded. Each left her base, trotted towards
the man in the centre. Haria pulled a small, long skeleton key from her boot and then ran faster to reach the centre first.
The man finally understood that whatever he did... he would have to choose. Since
each woman would have to get him to her base it was up to him to do the running...
or refuse to run. And it seemed to him that each woman had her means to enforce her intentions.
Haria reached him first... not because she was running faster but because Jaguarina
apparently had decided to leave her the job of freeing the slave. Haria unwound the
chain around the man's neck and bent to open the lock Suddenly Jaguarina sprinted
towards her, claws extended.
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